Our works consist of 6000sq.ft. of space all entirely dedicated to work to bells of all kinds. Among the many facilities we are able to offer our customers seeking work to their bells are a full and highly professional in-house design service, joinery workshops, precision machining, a smithy, and frame fabrication in steel, cast-iron and hardwood. There are often in excess of forty bells in our works at any one time and visitors are always welcome to see work in progress, though we do ask that a prior appointment be made wherever possible.
Our works consist of 6000sq.ft. of space all entirely dedicated to work to bells of all kinds. Among the many facilities we are able to offer our customers seeking work to their bells are a full and highly professional in-house design service, joinery workshops, precision machining, a smithy, and frame fabrication in steel, cast-iron and hardwood. There are often in excess of forty bells in our works at any one time and visitors are always welcome to see work in progress, though we do ask that a prior appointment be made wherever possible.